Opinon from the pros

erik.andersen at lasat.com erik.andersen at lasat.com
Mon Dec 13 15:57:21 UTC 1999

Please respond to wwebb at adni.net

To:   bind-users at isc.org
cc:    (bcc: Erik Sørup Andersen/INT)

Subject:  Opinon from the pros

-------------- next part --------------

Verio had the reverse DNS configured to show glr.cap.gov for IP  Apparently they dropped that configuration and a
trouble ticket is pending with them to fix it.   In the meantime,
however, I have three questions for which I would appreciate
anyones assistance. (I'm using 8.2.2P-5, named is acting
authoritatively for its zones)

1. Are these two entries correct ?



zone "0.88.198.in-addr.arpa" in {
        type master;
        file "pz/198.88.0";



IN      SOA     glr.cap.gov.  postmaster.ns1.cap.gov.  (
                     1999121301 86400 10800 2592000 86400 )
         NS      ns1.cap.gov.
         MX      10 glr.cap.gov.
         PTR     glr.cap.gov.

2)  When I re-start named, the messages log includes this entry:

Forwarding source address is [].1176

Likewise, when I type nslookup, it says:

[root at glr pz]# nslookup
Default Server:  glr.cap.gov

"hostname" shows "glr.cap.gov"

/etc/resolv.conf shows:

domain glr.cap.gov
nameserver ns1.cap.gov
search cap.gov

Why is the address showing as:  instead of ?

3.   Contemporaneous with  these "problems," sendmail is
reporting: gethostbyaddr( failed: 2    Is this completely
unrelated to named or is it solely connected to Verio not having the
reverse DNS set correctly or ... ?

THANKS for any help.

Bill Webb

There should be an NS record for glr.cap.gov:
         NS      glr.cap.gov.
I think the problem is that the ip-address for glr.cap.org can not be found.

The host 19 on 0.88.198.in-addr.arpa is not listed in your "snip":

19       PTR     glr.cap.gov.

Hope this will help.

Erik Andersen

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