timeout algorithm for forwarding

j j miffy_bunny at mail.com
Mon Dec 13 14:58:13 UTC 1999

Thank you cricket for your help.

Another question ...

>> If my name server forwards to serverA and serverB and
>> serverA crashes, what is the timeout before my name
>> server tries serverB?  Does BIND4 use the same method
>> and timeout values?
>Up until BIND 8.2, I believe it's about 60 seconds divided
>by the number of forwarders, so 30 seconds per forwarder
>in this case.

If neither forwards reply, would my name server return a "NXDOMAIN" back to
the client?  Or would it just not respond ...  And has this change between
BIND 8.2 and earlier versions.

>From BIND 8.2 on, you choose from between the forwarders
>using roundtrip time, just like you do with sets of >authoritative
>name servers.  So if serverA goes down, you'll start using >serverB

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