zone "." {type hint; file "";}; not working

Richard richard.abraham at
Fri Dec 10 17:05:52 UTC 1999


I have a compaq tru64 Unix v5.0 machine acting as a slave DNS server.  The
local domains downloaded from the master seem to work fine.

The problem is I can't get lookups in domains above the local ones to work.
I understand the entry:

zone "." {
      type hint;
      file "";

is supposed to accomplish this.  I have verified that is in the
proper directory and contains the proper information.

I have a master DNS server machine running version 4.0d of Tru64 Unix.  It
has the entry:

cache           .       

at the bottom of the file and works just fine.

Is there anything else I should be doing to resolve internet addresses with
the slave DNS server?



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