Parser errors in Bind 8.2.2p5

dharris at dharris at
Fri Dec 10 16:29:55 UTC 1999

Missing semicolon after the } following the list of forwarders.


Jean-Sebastien Morisset <jsmoriss at> on 12/10/99 09:38:05 AM
 To:      comp-protocols-dns-bind at          
 Subject: Parser errors in Bind 8.2.2p5                       

The parser is giving me errors on a forwarders option. The forwarding
works fine, so I think it might just be the parser which is wrong. Here
are my options. If I comment the forwarders, the parser error goes away.

options {
        allow-query { any; };
        allow-transfer { acl_slaves; };
        # Listen and source addresses must match to prevent conflicts
        # with second bind instance.
        listen-on port 53 {; };
        query-source address port 53;
        # File names should be unique to prevent conflicts with second
        # bind instance.
        pid-file "/var/run/";
        directory "/ids/bind/named/master/jamaica/private";
        named-xfer "/ids/bind/sbin/named-xfer";
        dump-file "/var/tmp/named_dump-pridns.db";
        statistics-file "/var/tmp/named-pridns.stats";
        memstatistics-file "/var/tmp/named-pridns.memstats";
        # Private DNS are used by clients and should allow recursion.
        fetch-glue yes;
        recursion yes;
        # Let the public DNS cache entries. The public DNS also
        # owns most other zones which aren't split (private/public),
        # so most queries would go to this DNS anyways. In case the
        # local public DNS isn't available, the public slaves have
        # also been listed.
        forwarders {
        forward only;

        auth-nxdomain yes;
        check-names master fail;
        check-names slave warn;
        check-names response ignore;
        cleaning-interval 60;
        coresize default;
        datasize default;
        deallocate-on-exit no;
        dialup no;
        fake-iquery no;
        files unlimited;
        host-statistics no;
        interface-interval 60;
        maintain-ixfr-base no;
        max-transfer-time-in 120;
        multiple-cnames no;
        notify yes;
        rfc2308-type1 no;
        stacksize default;
        statistics-interval 60;
        transfer-format many-answers;
        transfers-in 10;
        transfers-out 0;
        transfers-per-ns 2;
        treat-cr-as-space no;
        use-id-pool yes;

The error is "parser: error:
/ids/bind/conf/named-jamaica-pubdns.conf:87: syntax error near forward".

I also have another error which is getting on my nerves. As you can
probably guess from reading the options above, we run two instances of
Bind on the same machine. When the second loads, it gives me the error
"control: error: ctl_server: bind: Address already in use". I've been
carefull to set my listen-on and query-source, but this error still
appears. It doesn't seem to influence the functionality though. Here are
the options for the second instance:

options {
        allow-query { acl_clients; };
        allow-transfer { acl_slaves; };
        # Listen and source addresses must match to prevent conflicts
        # with second bind instance.
        listen-on port 53 {; };
        query-source address port 53;
        # File names should be unique to prevent conflicts with second
        # bind instance.
        pid-file "/var/run/";
        directory "/ids/bind/named/master/jamaica/public";
        named-xfer "/ids/bind/sbin/named-xfer";
        dump-file "/var/tmp/named_dump-pubdns.db";
        statistics-file "/var/tmp/named-pubdns.stats";
        memstatistics-file "/var/tmp/named-pridns.memstats";
        # Notify slaves directly since NS entries are load-balanced.
        # Also include pamela and hawaii which are temporary slaves
        # (until NS records are changed at internic).
        also-notify {;;;; };
        # Private master DNS forwards to us since we have most domains.
        # We in turn forward to the public slaves for other (internet)
        # domains. The cache is kept on the public DNS slaves.
        fetch-glue yes;
        recursion yes;
        allow-recursion { acl_recursion; };
        # Let the public slave servers accumulate cache data. All DNS
        # servers forward to these two slaves. All outgoing DNS queries
        # will then come from these two addresses (or their public
        # version) and no other. This is preferable for security
        forwarders {
        forward first;

        auth-nxdomain yes;
        check-names master fail;
        check-names slave warn;
        check-names response ignore;
        cleaning-interval 60;
        coresize default;
        datasize default;
        deallocate-on-exit no;
        dialup no;
        fake-iquery no;
        files unlimited;
        host-statistics no;
        interface-interval 60;
        maintain-ixfr-base no;
        max-transfer-time-in 120;
        multiple-cnames no;
        notify yes;
        rfc2308-type1 no;
        stacksize default;
        statistics-interval 60;
        transfer-format many-answers;
        transfers-in 10;
        transfers-out 0;
        transfers-per-ns 2;
        treat-cr-as-space no;
        use-id-pool yes;

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be mighty gratefull.

Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Administrator
UNIX, the Internet, Homebrewing, Cigars, PCS, and
other Fun Stuff...

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