Need for an FAQ (was Re: Wanted: Explanation for "No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead")

Cricket Liu cricket at
Mon Aug 2 04:22:38 UTC 1999

Hi, Bill.

> Item #1 for a DNS & BIND FAQ, buy DNS & BIND by Cricket Liu.
> Item #2, read it!

Hey, that's my kind of FAQ!

> Let's get the ball rolling, what are some of the most frequently
> asked questions about DNS?

Here's a start:

- Is BIND Y2K compliant?
- How do I get rid of the error "No default TTL set using SOA minimum
- My zones seem to be set up correctly, but I only my name
servers can reverse map addresses, not other name servers on the Internet.
- How can I find out what the values in BIND's stats output mean?
- Why doesn't this work:

foo    IN    CNAME
foo    IN    MX    10 foo

- How do I set up reverse mapping for a network smaller than a /24?
- Can I run a name server on a dynamic IP address?
- Why has my domain name disappeared from the com/net/org name servers?
(Or:  How do I check to see whether I've paid my bill?)
- Why am I seeing the error

> 553 config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
> 554 <info at>... Local configuration error

- What characters are legal in an Internet hostname?
- Why isn't Granite Canyon's web interface working?
- Why aren't Granite Canyon's name servers working?
- How do I set up split DNS?
- What are the differences between BIND 4 and BIND 8?
- How large can a serial number be?

It might be worth trying to integrate this with Chris Peckham's FAQ
(, or using it as a starting
point.  The two are likely to have lots of overlap.



Acme Byte & Wire
cricket at

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