I hope bind-8 noforward feature

Kazuhiro Asakura asakura at ioc.dnp.co.jp
Thu Aug 26 10:32:56 UTC 1999

Thank you all who replied my question.

From: "Genesiscom_Grandjean" <grandjean at genesiscom.ch>

> >It is possible for support noforward feature ?
> Just use forward with no IP (works since 8.2.1):

Sure, that is not forwarding. but I can't resolve that domain name.
noforward feature with bind-4.9.5+P1 contrib can resolve.

Config is,

/etc/named.boot ----

secondary	intra.domain	xx.xx.xx.xx	intra.domain.zone
noforward	intra.domain

So, intra.domain is not forward. but I can resolve by own zone data.
I use this feature with folloing purpose on our intranet.

1. intranet NS can resolve intra.domain myself when if forward NS is
2. If forward NS is Firewall and NS of the global Internet, forward
   NS can't resolve intra.domain. but intranet NS can resolve by 
   noforward feature.
   # I can resolve this problem by split DNS too...
3. Forward NS be easy.

If possible for support such feature on bind-8, I might following

options {
	forwarders {;
	noforward {

zone "intra.domain" {
	type slave;
	file "intra.domain.zone";
	masters {
		IP address...;


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