Parent not talking to child

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Tue Aug 24 17:37:53 UTC 1999

Dave Elkin pondered:
> I am running BIND 8.1.1. I have a parent domain server called triquartz.its.
> and a child called devel.devsys.its.  
> The problem is when I do a nslookup on either for the other ie, nslookup
> triquartz.its.       on devel I am getting the following message :
> *** devel.devsys.its. can't find triquartz: No response from server
> I have included the extra ns in the db.domain files. Is there anything else
> that is sopose to be domne in order for the two to talk to each other??

I suspect that these machines are not, could not be on the Internet,
since there is no such TLD in the "traditional" Internet naming scheme
as "its".

Given this, I suspect that the problem is that you have no root server
that delegates the "its" domain to triquartz.  The server for the "."
domain may be the same as a server for another domain, e.g., "its".

It is not clear what you mean by an "extra" NS.  Each zone file should
identify the name server(s) for its domain, and the zone file for "its"
should also contain an NS record for its child domain, "devsys".

Hope this helps.

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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