How do I support 2 primaries?

Michael Voight mvoight at
Sun Aug 22 15:54:00 UTC 1999

Most servers for one domain are servers for other domains.
After all, the forward and reverse domains are different domains.
And you might also be primary for, and localhost.
You configure additional domains the same way you configured the first
In BIND 4.x, you simply add additional primary lines, in 8.x they would
be master. You create an additional zone file for each zone. You
register the zone with Internic (or other appropriate agency)


George VanDyke wrote:
> If I have one web server that needs to have multiple domains
> on its virtual interfaces, and  All
> the ip numbers are within a single subnet in a class B
> domain.
> How can I configure the primary DNS for my original domain
> to support additional domain names and be authoritative for
> the additional domains.   At least in this case the new
> domain we regestered is only one name and one ip number that
> was done for an exhibit.
> George Van Dyke
> vandykeg at

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