root-server trouble?

Ingo Luetkebohle ingo at
Fri Aug 20 18:43:12 UTC 1999

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Bill Manning wrote:
> houses the root zone
> houses com,net,org etc. but not the root.

duh! silly me. Many thanks, Bill. That cleared up a misunderstanding I
carried around with me for quite a while. Explains why my attempt at
improving DNS lookup times by only using root-servers located in europe
didn't quite work out as expected, too :-)

That, in turn, prompts a question: Is it advisable to explicitly configure
hints for com|net|org pointing to just some of the GTLD-servers (those that
are in europe)? I can reach those with a RTT below 50ms, whereas everything
else is between 100ms (US east coast) and 200ms (US west coast).

My reasoning is that by using only the nearer servers, with their lower
RTT, DNS lookup times are improved. However, I'm not sure if it would cause
side-effects that I'm not aware of.

		Ingo Luetkebohle / 21st Century Digital Boy
dev/consulting Gesellschaft fuer Netzwerkentwicklung und -beratung mbH
url: - fon: 0521-1365800 - fax: 0521-1365803 

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