nslookup fails on newly added zones.

Rick Gocher rgocher at coptalk.com
Fri Aug 20 15:26:31 UTC 1999

Thank you everyone

I have finally got my DNS working correctly, it seems my named.conf had a
improper bracket...  I wish it was something else as I just spent three days
of hell over a typo.  At the top of my syslog file there was an error on
loading the zone unfortunately I was just looking at the zone transfer error
which was at the bottom.

I am still having a problem with the reverse lookup zone, after placing my
new zone into it.  Now when I type nslookup on the command line it gives me
www.newdomain.com as the server.  The data polled with nslookup is correct,
just it no longer returns my dns servers name after typing nslookup.  Anyone
know why this is?

Thank you again,

Rick Gocher

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