Named not starting.

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Aug 19 09:07:18 UTC 1999

>>>>> "David" == David Elkin <Ctdm1 at> writes:

    David> Hi, Iam trying to configure bind 8.1.2 on freebsd 4.3. When
    David> I go to start named, it isnt running and I get syslog
    David> telling me the following.

    David> Aug 19 13:29:48 triquartz named[2241]: db.its:41: IP Address error (triquartz.its.)

There's something wrong at line 41 of the file db.its, probably an
incorrectly formatted A record. Something which should be an IP
address isn't.

    David> Aug 19 13:29:48 triquartz named[2241]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Address already in use
    David> Aug 19 13:29:48 triquartz named[2241]: deleting interface [].53

Your name server can't bind to port 53 of interface This was
repeated for another three network interfaces. If the bind system call
fails EADDRINUSE (Address already in use) it means that something has
already bound to the address and port number in question. So if your
name server can't bind to port 53 on all network interfaces, something
else must have done this already. That something is probably another
name server: what else would do such a thing?

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