60s hang

Christian Krackowizer kra1 at technodat.co.at
Thu Aug 19 07:48:35 UTC 1999

At 09:46 19.08.1999 +0900, you wrote:
>Every time I use the sendmail command or I try to telnet or pop from another
>machine, it hangs for 60s and then works fine. Same thing if I ping hostname
>from this host itself.
>When I stop the named daemon, this delay disappears. Has anybody got any
>idea where the problem is?

Hmm, check your network (smit) and named configuration. IBM network is very
sensitive in short (without) and long (with domain) machine names.
if you have named running on the same machine, you need an empty
/etc/resolv.conf to direct AIX to use a 'local' named (at least with 4.1.5,
don't assume they've changed it)
And you should enter important nodes into /etc/hosts. The name of the local
machine (short and long), gateways, other name server ...


| Krackowizer Christian               mailto:kra1 at technodat.co.at |
| TECHNODAT                           Phone: ++43-(0)662-454944-0 |
| CAD/CAM - Systeme fuer Moebel GmbH  FAX:   ++43-(0)662-454944-9 |
| Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 6            http://www.technodat.co.at/ |
| A-5020 Salzburg / Austria                                       |

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