error compilling Bind 8.2 on AIX

Christian Krackowizer kra1 at
Wed Aug 4 09:42:47 UTC 1999

At 20:50 03.08.1999 GMT, you wrote:
>I'm running AIX 4.2 with gnumake 3.77 and gcc 2.8.1. When trying to
>run make for BIND 8.2 I get the following error:
>	cc -g -02 -I ../ ../port/aix4/include -I ../../include -c
>cc: not found
>Has anyone successfully compiled BIND 8.2 on AIX 4.2?
>Is there a compiled binary out there?

if you want I can send you my 8.2.1 built on

| Krackowizer Christian               mailto:kra1 at |
| TECHNODAT                           Phone: ++43-(0)662-454944-0 |
| CAD/CAM - Systeme fuer Moebel GmbH  FAX:   ++43-(0)662-454944-9 |
| Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 6   |
| A-5020 Salzburg / Austria                                       |

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