[Kea-users] kea-2.2.0 - HA cluster - communication between stork and dhcp4 gets lost

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Thu Jun 29 14:04:37 UTC 2023

Am 29.06.23 um 15:34 schrieb Eric Graham:
> Stefan,
> I think so, but I'm not sure if it's best practice to share that 
> certificate with Kea since you'd need to open up permissions a little 
> and allow Kea to read the private key. If you have no qualms with that 
> note, then it's probably worth an attempt, at least. Since Kea shouldn't 
> be running as root, you may need to change group ownership of the certs 
> or use fACLs.

I could copy them over to /var/lib/kea and adjust things.

Prepared that already

As far as I understand the CAs have to be placed "cross-wise":

server1 has to use ca_server2.pem as trust-anchor

server2 has to use ca_server1.pem as trust-anchor


I haven't started editing things yet, can't risk downtime while people 
are working there.

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