[Kea-users] kea-2.2.0 - HA cluster - communication between stork and dhcp4 gets lost

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Tue Jun 27 17:54:57 UTC 2023

Am 27.06.23 um 17:17 schrieb Eric Graham:
> Stefan,
> Make sure that when you change the password, you also change it in Stork 
> and in the HA hook config on each daemon of each server.

I have done that and cross-checked things but somehow communication 
wasn't established again. Had to roll back to get it working again asap.

Would be better to do that in the evening ... when I am tired ;-)

> I am not aware of documentation from ISC for generating certificates, 
> but here is an article I found that should get you started: 
> https://node-security.com/posts/openssl-creating-a-ca/ 
> <https://node-security.com/posts/openssl-creating-a-ca/>
> You will want to make a CA in this case, and not just self-signed 
> certificates. Make sure if you make the certificates for IP and not 
> hostname, that you add the IP to the SAN field of the certificates. 
> Here's an article from Red Hat about trusting the CA on each host: 
> https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/ca-certificates-cli 
> <https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/ca-certificates-cli> Even if you're not 
> in Red Hat-land, it'll get you started.

Thanks for the pointers.

Did such cert-generation quite a few times already (back then before 
LetsEncrypt) but hoped for some helpful script or so.

I'll try this in the next days.

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