[Kea-users] Adding pxe with uefi

Yordanov, Damyan damyan.yordanov at sap.com
Thu Feb 16 17:07:47 UTC 2023

It looks like a perfectly normal iPXE environment being loaded. You need to break the endless loop with a boot script as described in the docs (DCHCP ISC example: https://ipxe.org/howto/dhcpd#pxe_chainloading). A manual test approach would be to go to the iPXE shell (CTRL-b) and then  specify the boot commands manually there.


On 16. Feb 2023, at 17:58, Stephen Berg (Code 7309) via Kea-users <kea-users at lists.isc.org> wrote:

On 2/16/23 10:03, Stephen Berg (Code 7309) via Kea-users wrote:
On 2/16/23 08:22, Yordanov, Damyan wrote:

      { "name": "XClient_iPXE", "test": "substring(option[77].hex,0,4) == 'iPXE'", "boot-file-name": "https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.10.4%2Fipxe%2Fboot.ipxe&data=05%7C01%7Cdamyan.yordanov%40sap.com%7C46f96104cdc94780fc9508db103f02c7%7C42f7676cf455423c82f6dc2d99791af7%7C0%7C0%7C638121635041113589%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ineNnh3C0eFqslCqwa1bmkOcZtVwb7xpXrQgI8gcT18%3D&reserved=0" },
      { "name": "UEFI-32-2",    "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00002'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/i386/ipxe.efi",   "next-server": "" },
      { "name": "UEFI-32-6",    "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00006'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/i386/ipxe.efi",   "next-server": "" },
      { "name": "UEFI-64-7",    "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00007'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/x86_64/ipxe.efi", "next-server": "" },
      { "name": "UEFI-64-8",    "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00008'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/x86_64/ipxe.efi", "next-server": "" },
      { "name": "UEFI-64-9",    "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00009'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/x86_64/ipxe.efi", "next-server": "" },
      { "name": "Legacy",       "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,20) == 'PXEClient:Arch:00000'", "boot-file-name": "ipxe/undionly.kipxe",  "next-server": "" }

What's the purpose for the three different UEFI-64 entries?  The name and test fields are different but they use the same boot file.

I've added the three classes for 64 bit, I don't have any 32 bit systems so I don't need them.  Changed the reservation for one client I'm testing with so the boot-file-name is set to "ipxe/ipxe-x86_64" since that's the path and filename that I got under /tftpboot/.  Select the NIC to boot from and the system gets a dhcp lease, says it's pulling the efi file but then just loops through the dhcp request process again.  I figure I'm missing a step somewhere.

For the old BIOS procedure I built a file with the boot commands named by the client MAC address, is that the same thing that UEFI uses?

Got a snap shot of what I see onscreen.  This will just keep looping through until I reboot it.

Stephen Berg, IT Specialist, Ocean Sciences Division, Code 7309
Naval Research Laboratory
stephen.berg at nrlssc.navy.mil <- (Preferred contact)
W:   (228) 688-5738
DSN: (312) 823-5738
C:   (228) 365-0162
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