[Kea-users] KEA subnet client reservation error

Bohnenberger, Mark mark.bohnenberger at bechtle.com
Tue Sep 6 07:28:11 UTC 2022

After some days of invenstigating and troubleshooting, I found the reason and solution. So my subnets doesnt have a fixed Subnet-ID configured and after the first start oft he Server, the subnet ID´s are allocated to the configured subnets automatically with a random number. If I put a subnet before the already configured subnets, the leases on the database did not match the subnets id´s anymore, because the server is rearranging all subnet ID´s. So my solution / workaround will be to add a subnet id to all of my configured subnets and delete all active leases. In my tests this workaround is working for a few clients in every constelation i have tried.


Von: Veronique.Lefebure at cern.ch <Veronique.Lefebure at cern.ch>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. August 2022 17:13
An: Bohnenberger, Mark <mark.bohnenberger at bechtle.com>; kea-users at lists.isc.org
Betreff: Re: [Kea-users] KEA subnet client reservation error

I can see that the lease file contains the subnet ID.
So if you have re-arranged the sequence of the subnets, they got a new ID, and maybe the leases don't match anymore ?
This is just an idea. Experts will answer I assume.
On 31/08/2022 08:30 Bohnenberger, Mark <mark.bohnenberger at bechtle.com<mailto:mark.bohnenberger at bechtle.com>> wrote:

Good morning together,

last week I did a configuration change on a 2.0.0 KEA server and adding more subnets for DHCP addressing (as I did before). After adding new subnets after the already configured subnets, everything was working fine. Then I added new subnets before the already configured subnets in the config file and then the DHCP server is ignoring the configured DHCP reservations fort he clients. So the DHCP server was giving clients, which have a reservations in the config, a new DHCP lease and a new IP address. I tested the configuration on a test system and I was not recieving any error when I start the DHCP server, so there was no configuration error and same result on the live system. The DHCP service itself and the DHCP addressing is also working fine. Only the reservations were not work anymore. I did some tests and I can reproduce that error on the test system.

So my question are now, ist tehre a command for reordering the subnet configuration or for re-reading/rebuilding the subnet configuration on the DHCP server? Or does anyone have the same error?

The system is a Ubuntu 20 with KEA 2.0.0 in an HA setup. The configuration is config file and the leases are saved on a MySQL database.

########### New added subnet with problems
                "subnet": "",
                "comment": "NEWNET",
                "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
                "option-data": [
                               "name": "routers",
                               "data": ""

########### Already configured subnet
                "subnet": "",
                "comment": "FAKENET",
                "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
                "reservations": [
                                               "hw-address": "12:34:56:78:90",
                                               "ip-address": "",
                                               "hostname": "FAKENAME"
                "option-data": [
                               "name": "routers",
                               "data": ""

########### New added subnet without problems
                "subnet": "",
                "comment": "NEWNET",
                "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ],
                "option-data": [
                               "name": "routers",
                               "data": ""



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