[Kea-users] yet another question about multiple subnets %)

3 babut at yandex.ru
Fri Nov 11 05:38:50 UTC 2022

sorry, guys, but i'm going to ask the most popular question again, to which there is still no working answer: how to set multiple subnets on a same interface so that a client receives an address from each network? in other words, to do what radvd does, but with the difference that it is not prefixes in which a client independently generates addresses from each prefix, but ready-made addresses from each prefix. all i get from kea is an address from the first network in the config. i tried to bind kea on each physical interface that are combined into a bridge- in this case each server receives a request, but there is a problem with sockets that i don't understand- "[bla-bla iface] does not have any suitable IPv6 sockets open". i think i've already tried everything that has anything to do with this issue, but nothing works. and i already thought that this is not possible at all with dhcpv6, but it turned out that it is possible, according to the dhcpv6 documentation. then i thought that maybe win10 is not modern enough, but this is even less likely to be true %D i am sure that i have put a lot of effort into solving the problem on my own and now i deserve help from the outside ;)

ps: i read your old, to put it mildly strange, comments that this is not necessary, and i thought, "why are those who know nothing about the practical tasks of ordinary people going to write a server to solve them?". here is a typical situation: there is the local network fc00::/7, and there is a network that is issued by the provider- each of them lives in its own separate world. there is also the yggdrasil network with its own network and its own separate world, there is teredo, which, although part of the common, but it has its own network. and these are just the ones i use. omg, there are a thousand reasons when you need more than one network! telling people that they don't need something just because you don't need it is fascism %\ and the fact that there are a lot of ipv6 addresses and they cannot end(Bill Gates sends his regards to you here ;)) does not matter at all

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