[Kea-users] client_id in the leases files

Stephen Berg, Code 7309 stephen.berg at nrlssc.navy.mil
Wed Mar 16 11:03:30 UTC 2022

I've noticed that most if not all of my linux clients do not send 
anything in the lease request for client_id. The iDracs in my Dell 
servers and MacOS systems all seem to end up with the hardware address 
showing in the client_id field of /var/log/dhcp4.leases but none of the 
linux clients.

I've tried setting DHCP_HOSTNAME in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 on a couple of clients but 
that doesn't end up populating the leases file like the other systems.  
All my systems use a reserved address based on hw-address.  I do have 
multiple subnets and use dhcrelay to get across those.

It's certainly not a show stopper but I am curious what setting my linux 
systems are missing to cause this.

I'm on kea-1.8.0 running on a Rocky Linux 8.5 system.

Stephen Berg, IT Specialist, Ocean Sciences Division, Code 7309
Naval Research Laboratory
W:   (228) 688-5738
DSN: (312) 823-5738
C:   (228) 365-0162
Email: stephen.berg at nrlssc.navy.mil  <- (Preferred contact)
Flank Speed: stephen.p.berg.civ at us.navy.mil

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