[Kea-users] Monitoring a Kea cluster

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Wed Dec 28 10:40:07 UTC 2022

Am 28.12.22 um 03:37 schrieb Klaus Steden:
> FWIW we also primarily use Monit to keep tabs on the Kea daemons in our 
> environment. Because we're using MySQL backends, the Monit watchdog can 
> safely restart the daemon if it crashes or becomes unresponsive.
> There is an external watchdog service we use to check the process table 
> for the daemon as well, but that sees almost no usage because Monit does 
> the job so well.

Good to hear!

Could you provide more details on what your monit checks look like?

Do you actually monitor the part of "yes, it provides leases" ?


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