[Kea-users] Ghost Leases - No client id or hardware address

Allan Tinker allan at m33access.com
Fri Dec 10 13:58:11 UTC 2021

This morning I woke up to a whole /22 subnet with all the leases claimed, when I run get leases in the API, 
I have many leases with no hardware addresses or client ids.. (592 of them ) Nothing to tell the server who gets what.. 

Is there a way to A) not let clients with no MAC or Client ID to obtain a lease, and 
B) bulk remove these leases in IPv4? 

Currently Im removing them one by one.
I still dont know the cause of this, but I want to prevent it by not allowing leases without client data at all. 

I am using the flex_id hook to swap circuit ID with client ID as well. 

Thank you

- Allan

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