[Kea-users] Add host reservation on subnet with lots of leases

Chad Catlett chad at catlett.info
Wed May 6 19:28:22 UTC 2020


We are using the subscriber hooks, currently running 1.6.1.

We currently have a subnet with 1000+ leases and we have a need to 
create host reservations for some new devices that will be on the subnet.

I am attempting to figure out the most sound way of finding available 
IPs. We can get a list of leases for the subnet via the API, and then 
find a free IP. Our concern is that this subnet sees a ton of dhcp 
traffic and there is the risk of us finding a free IP and it being given 
out as a lease before we have a chance to submit an API request to add 
the lease.

I was hoping there was some kind of argument that we could pass in via 
the API that causes it to auto assign an available IP, but that doesn't 
seem to be possible.

How are others solving this in a way that creates zero to very tiny risk 
of conflicts.



Chad Catlett
chad at catlett.info

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