[Kea-users] Configuring two separate subnets with PD pool and address pool

Brandon Cazander brandon.cazander at multapplied.net
Thu Nov 15 23:04:11 UTC 2018

Thanks, that is enlightening. I have found the relevant section of the admin guide that talks about selecting subnets.

As a follow up, I'm having trouble following another section of the documentation regarding multiple pools that can be found here https://ftp.isc.org/isc/kea/1.4.0/doc/kea-guide.html#dhcp6-address-config.

If I configure the following as per the documentation above, I get an error when kea starts that seems to imply that the pools must have the same prefix.

"Dhcp6": {
    "subnet6": [
        "subnet": "2001:db8:1::/64",
        "pools": [
            { "pool": "2001:db8:1::1-2001:db8:1::ffff" },
            { "pool": "2001:db8:1:05::/80" }

The debug logs show:
2018-11-15 14:49:44.469 ERROR [kea-dhcp6.dhcp6/3739] DHCP6_PARSER_FAIL failed to create or run parser for configuration element subnet6: subnet configuration failed: a pool of type IA_NA, with the following address range: 2001:db8:1:5::-2001:db8:1:5:0:ffff:ffff:ffff does not match the prefix of a subnet: 2001:db8:1::/64 to which it is being added (/var/run/kea.conf:33:6)
2018-11-15 14:49:44.469 ERROR [kea-dhcp6.dhcp6/3739] DHCP6_CONFIG_LOAD_FAIL configuration error using file: /var/run/kea.conf, reason: subnet configuration failed: a pool of type IA_NA, with the following address range: 2001:db8:1:5::-2001:db8:1:5:0:ffff:ffff:ffff does not match the prefix of a subnet: 2001:db8:1::/64 to which it is being added (/var/run/kea.conf:33:6)
2018-11-15 14:49:44.469 ERROR [kea-dhcp6.dhcp6/3739] DHCP6_DYNAMIC_RECONFIGURATION_FAIL dynamic server reconfiguration failed with file: /var/run/kea.conf

From: Francis Dupont <fdupont at isc.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 1:48:03 PM
To: Brandon Cazander
Cc: kea-users at lists.isc.org
Subject: Re: [Kea-users] Configuring two separate subnets with PD pool and address pool

Your problem is Kea does not have enough informations to select the
second subnet so it always selects the first one. There are two ways
to fix that:
 - find a way to select the right subnet
 - simply merge the two subnets inot one (you can have an address pool
  and a prefix pool in the same subnet in Kea).


Francis Dupont <fdupont at isc.org>
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