[Kea-users] lease6-del command

Thomas Markwalder tmark at isc.org
Mon Jun 18 20:10:16 UTC 2018


What is occurring is that kea-ctrl-agent is attempting to execute the 
command, and since it does not have a lease mgr, the command fails.  The 
lease-cmds hooks library should be loaded by kea-dhcp4 and kea-dhcp6, 
not the control agent. Currently, none of our hook libraries should be 
loaded by the kea-ctrl-agent.

Also be sure to include the "service" parameter with your commands so 
the control agent knows which service should process the command, see 
Chapter 16,



Thomas Markwalder
ISC Software Engineering

On 06/18/2018 02:56 PM, Tim Howe wrote:
> I am currently using postgresql lease storage for hdcpv6 and dhcpv4.
> When attempting to delete a lease using lease command hook library, I
> get the following reply:
> [ { "result": 1, "text": "no current lease manager is available" } ]
> 	Does this only work with memfile, or am I doing something else
> wrong?

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