[Kea-users] Configuring kea for relayed subnets *not* on its own interface's address

Jeff Kletsky kea-dhcp at allycomm.com
Wed Sep 13 14:21:08 UTC 2017

Thanks for the confirmation that "relay" is the intended way to approach 

I don't seem to be able configure more than one relay *address* per 
subnet though.  The ip-address string only seems to accept a single 
address, not a CIDR- or dashed-range. If I try repeated relay 
statements, I end up with "failed to select a subnet for incoming 
packet" for all of the relays.

Is there a way to accept multiple relays for a given subnet declaration?

The notion of "positive" and "negative" selectors could use some 
clarification in the documentation. Without being immersed in the code, 
human-language versions of the clauses seem about the same:

* Client must arrive on an interface with an address in the subnet
* Client must belong to the given client-class



On 9/13/17 12:52 AM, Francis Dupont wrote:
> A client-class in a subnet may be used only to refuse a subnet 
> selection. In your case your config requires a positive selector, for 
> instance a relay address (relayed messages) or an interface (direct 
> connected clients). Regards Francis Dupont <fdupont at isc.org> PS: there 
> is a third possibility for unicasted messages where the subnet 
> specification matches the client address, cf "How the DHCPv4 Server 
> Selects a Subnet for the Client" in the manual.

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