[Kea-users] DHCPv6 allocations (IA_NA and IA_PD) based on interface-id (relay Option 18)

Joelson Vendramin jtvendramin at yahoo.com.br
Thu Mar 30 19:33:46 UTC 2017


I'm trying to use KEA 1.1.0 to allocate IPv6 addresses (IA_NA) and IPv6 prefixes (IA_PD) based on interface-id -- option 18 inserted by an DHCPv6 relay agent.
I know it's a kind of "reservation", but I'm trying to do it based on DHCPv6 relay option 18 (interface-id) rather than client's DUID or MAC address.

I tryied the following config but it failed to start the server. The problem is that "client-class" is an unsupported parameter inside a "pd-pool" entry. Note that if I remove "pd-pools", the configuration is working fine to allocate fixed IA_NA addresses ("pools" entry).

Any trick to add the same behavior to "pd-pools" in order to assign always the same IA_PD to "cliA" and "cliB" client-classes?

Thank you in advance!
Joelson Vendramin


# DHCPv6 configuration starts here.

# Add names of interfaces to listen on.
  "interfaces-config": {
    "interfaces": [ "eth0/2001:db8:bdff::2" ]

# (...) standard options (...)

# classes to identify customers
  "client-classes": [
    {  "name": "cliA",
       "test": "substring(relay6[0].option[18].hex,0,all) == 'routername eth 0/6:333'"
    {  "name": "cliB",
       "test": "substring(relay6[0].option[18].hex,0,all) == 'routername eth 0/6:334'"

# subnets (just one with many pools and pd-pools inside)
  "subnet6": [
     {  "subnet": "2001:db8:bd00::/64",
        "pools": [
           { "pool": "2001:db8:bd00::119:2/128",
             "client-class": "cliA"
           { "pool": "2001:db8:bd00::119:3/128",
             "client-class": "cliB"
        "pd-pools": [
           { "prefix": "2001:db8:bd01::",
             "prefix-len": 48,
             "delegated-len": 48,
             "client-class": "cliA"
           { "prefix": "2001:db8:bd02::",
             "prefix-len": 48,
             "delegated-len": 48,
             "client-class": "cliB"

# (...) rest of config file (...)

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