[Kea-users] mis-startup

Sean McMurray sean at mvtel.com
Wed Jun 28 18:28:49 UTC 2017

When I start kea with keactrl start it reads my keactrl.conf to 
correctly learn my kea.conf and it uses that conf during startup.

But, it strangely seems to ignore the setting in the conf files. 
Specifically, it ignores my log settings and tries to do its own thing, 
which fails.

If I manually start kea-dhcp4 -c my/log/file, it does the right thing. 
So why does keactrl do the wrong thing?

The systemd service files that come with CentOS 7 seem to have the same 
effect as keactrl. Namely, logging doesn't work.

Also, keactrl stop always fails to find any running processes.

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