[Kea-users] Forcing a DHCP realease in Kea.

Tomek Mrugalski tomasz at isc.org
Mon Jun 5 20:18:31 UTC 2017

W dniu 05.06.2017 o 14:03, Joelson Vendramin pisze:
> Hello all,
> Is there a way to force a DHCP_release from the command line in Kea?
There isn't one in Kea 1.2, but there will be in 1.3. They will be
called lease{4,6}-del. See here: http://kea.isc.org/wiki/Commands for a
high level overview.

> I'm trying to implement an external mechanism (bash script) that
> monitors the "gone-away" clients and than releases immediatelly its IP
> (v4 & v6) addresses. I'm afraid that if my script write directly into
> the leases CSV file (I'm using memfiles), it would bring unexpected
> results to Kea while it's running.
Writing to the lease file from external sources while Kea is running is
just asking for troubles. You can tweak (and in particular delete a
lease) a MySQL or PostgreSQL DB while Kea is running.


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