[Kea-users] Statistics and control channel

Chaigneau, Nicolas nicolas.chaigneau at capgemini.com
Thu Jul 9 07:35:48 UTC 2015

> Yes. You guessed right. The idea is to allow storing multiple values. If you look at the design page (http://kea.isc.org/wiki/StatsDesign),
> you'll notice that two operations are mentioned:
> - setMaxSampleAge, which allows you to keep observations from the last X seconds
> - setMaxSampleCount, which allows you to keep the last X observations
> Both are designed, but sadly they didn't make it into 0.9.2. So for now each statistic can have exactly one (the latest) observation. Once support for keeping more observations will be added, it will not change the data format.


As a side note, the design page describes the following format for the timestamp:
"2015-04-15 12:34:12.100"

What I actually get:
"2015-Jul-2 15:47:31.450818"

I'd prefer to have "2015-07-02" rather than "2015-Jul-2". That's more standard, and easier to parse.

> No, no wildcards support yet. But I like your proposals. Can you submit two tickets: one for getting all parameters from a given subnet and another for getting all parameters from all subnets?



> They are documented. See Section 7.6 of the User's Guide:
> http://git.kea.isc.org/~tester/kea/guide/kea-guide.html#dhcp4-stats

Right. I was looking (don't know why) at the PDF version associated to 0.9.2-beta on your FTP.
My bad!

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