Dhcp.leases manually edit

JT ISC jtisc88 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 05:48:54 UTC 2022

I have been working with ISC DHCP for a few years.  I have manually stopped
the dhcpd service, backed up the dhcpd.leases and dhcpd.leases~ files (just
to be on the safe side), and then manually edited the leases file and
removed a lease or two.  Followed by starting the dhcpd process again and
have not had any issues with dhcp server.

However, I have been wondering if you can stop dhcpd service and add in a
new lease the very end of the dhcpd.leases file using the correct format
for lease start and end times as well as the MAC address.  Then start the
dhcpd service again and the dhcpd server update the lease that you just
manually created with any new updated information.

Appreciate everyone’s time!

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