New IP address after each reboot

Jean-Philippe Martin jpmartin at
Mon Apr 25 22:21:59 UTC 2022


We use kea 2.01 (lease and reservation in mysql)

I have exactly this problem :

if i use a subnet with "match-client-id": false

my reservation (identifier is hwaddr) work but other lease is a newer
ip at each reboot

If i use a subnet with "match-client-id": true

lease d'ont be reset at boot but reservation don't work any more

best regards

Hi Anton,

   Have you considered dropping the DHCPRELEASE packets instead?

You can read how this could be done in Gitlab #606 "Drop packets in
DROP class" at

Please refer to the Kea Arm for a discussion on the "DROP" class.

Kind Regards Peter

From: Kea-users <kea-users-bounces at
<>> on behalf of Anton
Starikov <starikov.a at
Sent: 18 October 2020 19:02
To: kea-users at
<> <kea-users at <>>
Subject: [Kea-users] New IP address after each reboot

Good afternoon!

Sorry for my english.

There is a problem with Kea Dhcp4 1.6.3 (1.8 is the same).

After each reboot, the client (Ubuntu, Arch) gets a new ip address
from KeaDhcp. As I understand it, this is due to the fact that Kea,
after receiving DHCPRELEASE from the client, does not immediately
release the address (although it adds a line with expire = 0 to the
lease-database), but does it after a while.

As an experiment, I limited the address pool to two ip. And with each
reboot (interval ~ 20 seconds), the client received different
addresses in a circle.

Previously, Mikrotik was used as DHCP, there was no such problem. The
client rebooted and, if the address was still free, he received it

Is there any way to force Kea to immediately release such addresses?

I tried to change the settings described in the documentation in
section "10. Lease Expiration", it didn't help.


  "Dhcp4": {

    "loggers": [


            "name": "kea-dhcp4",

            "output_options": [


                    "output": "/var/log/kea-debug.log",

                    "maxver": 8,

                    "maxsize": 204800,

                    "flush": true,

                    "pattern": "%d{%j %H:%M:%S.%q} %c %m\n"



            "severity": "DEBUG",

            "debuglevel": 99



            "name": "kea-dhcp4.commands",

            "output_options": [


                    "output": "syslog"



            "severity": "DEBUG",

            "debuglevel": 99



            "name": "kea-dhcp4.http",

            "output_options": [


                    "output": "syslog"



            "severity": "DEBUG",

            "debuglevel": 99



            "name": "kea-dhcp4.callouts",

            "output_options": [


                    "output": "syslog"



            "severity": "DEBUG",

            "debuglevel": 99


    "authoritative": false,

    "boot-file-name": "",

    "calculate-tee-times": true,

    "client-classes": [


        "boot-file-name": "",

        "name": "pxe",

        "next-server": "",

        "only-if-required": true,

        "option-data": [


            "always-send": false,

            "code": 66,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "",

            "name": "tftp-server-name",

            "space": "dhcp4"



            "always-send": false,

            "code": 67,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "grldr",

            "name": "boot-file-name",

            "space": "dhcp4"



        "option-def": [ ],

        "server-hostname": "",

        "test": "member('ALL')"



        "boot-file-name": "",

        "name": "voip",

        "next-server": "",

        "only-if-required": true,

        "option-data": [


            "always-send": false,

            "code": 66,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "",

            "name": "tftp-server-name",

            "space": "dhcp4"



            "always-send": false,

            "code": 67,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "grldr1",

            "name": "boot-file-name",

            "space": "dhcp4"



        "option-def": [ ],

        "server-hostname": "",

        "test": "member('ALL')"



    "control-socket": {

      "socket-name": "/tmp/kea-dhcp4-ctrl.sock",

      "socket-type": "unix"


    "decline-probation-period": 86400,

    "dhcp-ddns": {

      "enable-updates": false,

      "generated-prefix": "myhost",

      "max-queue-size": 1024,

      "ncr-format": "JSON",

      "ncr-protocol": "UDP",

      "override-client-update": false,

      "override-no-update": false,

      "qualifying-suffix": "",

      "replace-client-name": "never",

      "sender-ip": "",

      "sender-port": 0,

      "server-ip": "",

      "server-port": 53001


    "dhcp-queue-control": {

      "capacity": 500,

      "enable-queue": false,

      "queue-type": "kea-ring4"


    "dhcp4o6-port": 0,

    "echo-client-id": true,

    "expired-leases-processing": {

      "flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time": 5,

      "hold-reclaimed-time": 1800,

      "max-reclaim-leases": 100,

      "max-reclaim-time": 250,

      "reclaim-timer-wait-time": 10,

      "unwarned-reclaim-cycles": 5


    "hooks-libraries": [


        "library": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/"



    "host-reservation-identifiers": [ "hw-address"],

    "interfaces-config": {

      "interfaces": [ "*" ],

      "re-detect": true


    "lease-database": {

      "name": "/var/lib/kea/dhcp4.leases",

      "persist": true,

      "type": "memfile"


    "match-client-id": false,

    "next-server": "",

    "option-data": [


        "always-send": false,

        "code": 6,

        "csv-format": true,

        "data": "",

        "name": "domain-name-servers",

        "space": "dhcp4"



        "always-send": false,

        "code": 15,

        "csv-format": true,

        "data": "",

        "name": "domain-name",

        "space": "dhcp4"



        "always-send": false,

        "code": 119,

        "csv-format": false,

        "data": "057465636F6D046E6E6F76027275000A7465636F6D67726F757002727500",

        "name": "domain-search",

        "space": "dhcp4"



    "option-def": [ ],

    "t1-percent": 0.5,

    "t2-percent": 0.875,

    "reservation-mode": "all",

    "sanity-checks": {

      "lease-checks": "warn"


    "server-hostname": "",

    "server-tag": "",

    "shared-networks": [ ],

    "subnet4": [


        "4o6-interface": "",

        "4o6-interface-id": "",

        "4o6-subnet": "",

        "authoritative": false,

        "calculate-tee-times": true,

        "id": 18,

        "match-client-id": false,

        "next-server": "",

        "option-data": [


            "always-send": false,

            "code": 3,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "",

            "name": "routers",

            "space": "dhcp4"



            "always-send": false,

            "code": 6,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "",

            "name": "domain-name-servers",

            "space": "dhcp4"



            "always-send": false,

            "code": 15,

            "csv-format": true,

            "data": "bncvbn.nnn",

            "name": "domain-name",

            "space": "dhcp4"



        "pools": [


            "option-data": [ ],

            "pool": ""



        "relay": {

          "ip-addresses": [ "" ]


        "reservation-mode": "all",

        "reservations": [],

        "subnet": "",

        "t1-percent": 0.5,

        "t2-percent": 0.875,

        "valid-lifetime": 86400



    "t1-percent": 0.5,

    "t2-percent": 0.875,

    "valid-lifetime": 4000



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