dhcp relay responses

Alan Batie alan at peak.org
Thu Jan 30 23:33:12 UTC 2020

We are setting up a private network with dhcp.  The router for the
private network is setup to relay dhcp to an external isc dhcpd server.
The requests to the dhcpd server come from the public address of the
router, however dhcpd is replying to the private address.  I don't see
anything in the docs for managing the replies.  We are trying to avoid
routing the private network even internally.  Are we out of luck?

dhcp01             router  -

request ->
reply ->

I do see in the request:

    Relay agent IP address: (

However this is the only information that can be used to determine which
pool of addresses the dhcp server should assign leases from, so I don't
see that changing that would be workable.

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