To have various IP ranges in the same subnet and assign the IP Address depending of the device type that sends the request.

Juan Antonio García Moreno jagarcia at
Thu Aug 1 07:05:54 UTC 2019

Hi everyone,

I have read a lot of information on Internet but I haven't this too clear
and I would like ask you if this can do or not.

This is the situation:

- I have a network wired and WIFI.
- I have the ISC DHCP Server that assign IP address statically with
"fixed-address" and dinamically from a pool address with "range".

I would know if I can to have, for example, 3 ranges and assign the IP
Address depending of the device type that request the IP.

For example:

- Static IP to devices that I want by MAC.
- POOL2 to Smartphones.
- POOL3 to Tablets or Watches.

How could I discriminate the request and assign the IP from POOL1, POOL2 or
POOL3 depending if the device is a LAPTOP, a Smartphone or a Tablet?

Can I do this?

What would be the best way to do it?

Does anyone have, and can show me, some examples?

Best regards,

Juan García
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