Troubleshooting: no free leases

timeless timeless at
Fri Jul 21 17:48:07 UTC 2017

Bill Shirley wrote:

Also, I don't think your "nes" class will ever match.  You're comparing the
address to a string.  Here's a snippet that might be useful:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
class "Apple_PC" {
        match if (
                substring(hardware, 1,3) = 38:c9:86
                or substring(hardware, 1,3) = 00:26:08
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------
class "mobile_device" {
        match if (
                option host-name ~~ "dhcpcd"
                or option host-name ~~ "android"
                or option host-name ~~ "iphone"
                or option host-name ~~ "iphone-2"
                or option host-name ~~ "ipod"
                or option host-name ~~ "ipad"

# for those devices using the default name:
        if (lcase(option host-name) = "iphone") { ddns-hostname =
concat("iPhone-", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 3)));
        if (lcase(option host-name) = "iphone-2") { ddns-hostname =
concat("iPhone2-", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 3))); }
        if (lcase(option host-name) = "ipod") { ddns-hostname =
concat("iPod-", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 3))); }
        if (lcase(option host-name) = "ipad") { ddns-hostname =
concat("iPad-", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 3))); }
# ------------------------------------------------------------

Yeah, the NES thing was a poor and untested attempt. Thanks, I've adapted
both of your suggestions here.
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