Different NTP options on peers

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Wed Feb 17 08:15:25 UTC 2016

matt.southward at gmail.com wrote:

> Does it make sense to define different NTP server options on each DHCP server? For example on DHCP1 use NTP1 and NTP2 and on DHCP2 use NTP3 and NTP4. Or does it make more sense to set the NTP servers in a round-robin fashion in pool definitions? For example pool1 defines NTP1, NTP2, NTP3, NTP4, then pool2 defines NTP2, NTP3, NTP4, NTP1, etc...

It probably makes little difference.
If your intention is to spread the load, then don't list all servers in each instance - as pointed out, NTP will query all of them periodically. But NTP doesn't really load a server up much at all.
TBH, I run NTP on a couple of machines, and I never notice the load it creates - apart from when they get abused by some scumbag doing a DDoS on someone.

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