ipv6 and failover

Kristof Van Doorsselaere kristof.vandoorsselaere at hogent.be
Tue Jun 23 09:17:16 UTC 2015

Is there any timing (roadmap) when it will be implemented?

Kristof Van Doorsselaere
hoofdmedewerker server- en netwerkbeheer 

Hogeschool Gent
Directie Financiën en ICT
Valentin Vaerwijckweg 1
BE-9000 Gent
T +32 9 243 35 20

On 23/06/15 11:14, "sthaug at nethelp.no" <sthaug at nethelp.no> wrote:

>> Now I was trying to figure out if and how I could configure failover for IPv6 dhcpd, but I?$,1rym a little confused about the current status, can someone tell me:
>>   *   what is the current status for ipv6 dhcpd failover
>It is not implemented in the ISC DHCP code. Furthermore, as far as I
>know, the specifications for IPv6 DHCP failover are not ready yet.
>Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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