Remove the unspecified gateway from linux routing table

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Tue Feb 17 12:07:41 UTC 2015

Eugène Ngontang <sympavali at> wrote:

> Which script are you talking about here? The dhclient init script???

I don't believe so - that will be the init script that starts the client. There will be another script (something along the lines of dhclient.hooks or something ?) that the client calls in order to make changes to the OS config. It's done this way to separate the process of getting the lease/data and configuring the system - you can customise the hooks script to your needs without having to hack any code in the DHCP client.

I'd be inclined to look at that script, and perhaps add some debugging statements to it.

Ah, a quick look at the Debian package gives these results as files worth looking at :

/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf will be the config file.

I assume it'll be different on Redhat/Centos - have a look at the list of files provided by the package (yum should give it to you, but it's not a system I'm familiar with).

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