Impossible condition at dhc6.c:4109.

John Newlin jnewlin at
Thu May 22 21:51:04 UTC 2014

Version: dhcp-4.1-ESV-R5
OS: Linux
Kernel version:
libc:  ucLibc xxx (not sure the exact version)

The dhcp server was set with very short preferred lifetimes, 5 minutes (not
exactly sure).
DHCP server changed pools, so old address would depref or expire and we'd
pick up a new address.

What seems to happen in dhc6.c is:
 old address id DEPREF'd
 the client state goes back to INIT
 do_check_times gets called and hits this case because there is an address
that isn't marked as expired, it is marked as DEPREF.

Has anyone seen this before, and know if it's fixed in a more recent image?

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