Lease File of RAM Disk

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Thu May 15 08:11:30 UTC 2014


> You should do neither of those - you should put your leases file on persistent storage. If you don't then sooner or later you *WILL* lose your leases file and that will cause you a truckload of problems as your DHCP servers will no longer know what has already been leased to which client.

have a process to copy the lease file to persistant storage - and have a system startup
script to copy it to ramdisk.  have such things in your DHCP sysV or systemd scripts so
restart of service will store/copy and recover too.

if you're only doing linked/static leases or you really take the 'dynamic' part to heart 
then losing all lease info isnt a problem - well, it is if your DHCP server isnt checking
leases are in use before handing addresses out :-)


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