dhcrelay IPv6 - multiple instances

Sascha Frey sf at TechFak.NET
Thu Jul 24 08:20:03 UTC 2014


I'm using dhcrelay as a DHCP and DHCPv6 relay on my firewalls.

I have several VLAN interfaces for different subnets. Because I have
different sets of DHCP servers for different subnets (separate DHCP
servers for server and client networks), I need to run separate
instances of dhcprelay.

This works quite well in IPv4 (-4) mode, but not in DHCPv6 mode:

Only the last started instance works.

e.g. I start two instances of dhcrelay:

/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -6 -q -pf /var/run/dhcrelay6-bond0.100.pid -l bond0.100 -u 2001:xxxx:xxxx::2%bond0.10 -u 2001:xxxx:xxxx::3%bond0.10
/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -6 -q -pf /var/run/dhcrelay6-bond0.200.pid -l bond0.200 -u 2001:xxxx:xxxx::4%bond0.10 -u 2001:xxxx:xxxx::5%bond0.10

In this case, there are only DHCPv6 request on bond0.200 processed.

First, I thought the link local addresses may be a problem. Because I
use VLAN-Interfaces, all link local addresses are the same (same MAC
address). I changed the link local addresses to different values
(fe80::100 and fe80::200), but this didn't help.

I use dhcrelay version 4.3.0+dfsg-1 from Debian Jessie.

Any idea how to start multiple instances of dhcrelay?


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