2 ips for one client nic

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Tue Jul 15 10:45:10 UTC 2014

Sergey E. Ponomarev <pse at aaanet.ru> <pse at aaanet.ru> wrote:

>  I've read all over the man and can't find such a simple function as to assign 2 ips from different subnets to one client.
>  Searching inet gives nothing.
>  Could anyone tell me is it possible at all?

It's possible, but not easy.
You need to configure the client to ask for two leases using different client-IDs. The client IDs must be "globally" unique as far as the DHCP server is concerned because if provided by the client, the server is required to use it as the primary key - so if the client ID isn't unique, the server will hand out the same lease to more than one client.
So, say the client MAC address is 11:22:33:44:55:66, you might set 11:22:33:44:55:66-a and 11:22:33:44:55:66-b as the client IDs.

At the server end, you'll need to correctly define a shared network with the two subnets in it, then device a scheme to assign leases from the appropriate subnets. You could possibly do this with classes, or (I think) you could use fixed address statements in host statements (one per client ID).

The server end is fairly easy, but by the time you've configured the client to deal with this (if it's even possible - some clients are more flexible than others - you might find it's easier to use manual configuration.

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