assigning groups to classes

Victor Hiebert vic at
Tue Jun 18 16:24:57 UTC 2013

Trying to assign specific ranges to specific groups, it seems the way to do this is with classes.  Would like the assignment to happen without relying on input from the clients, eg not vendor-class-identifier.  Also I MUST use groups, and can't simply define specific clients within a class.

It looks like the config-option expression is what I want, I take this expression to mean that if a client would be handed the option from the dhcpd.conf then it will be placed in the specified class.  However this never seems to work, perhaps I'm simply misunderstanding how classes and/or the config-option work?  Example dhcpd.conf below showing attempted group assignment to a class based on the domain-name option.

### begin dhcpd.conf

class "groupofcomputers" {
match if (config-option domain-name = "");

group {
	option domain-name "";

	host host1 {
                hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:f4:40:c8;
        host host2 {
                hardware ethernet 00:15:17:63:17:0b;

subnet netmask {
        option broadcast-address;
        option subnet-mask;

	pool {
                allow members of "groupofcomputers";

### end dhcpd.conf

Victor Hiebert
Email: vic at

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