Handling duplicate hostnames with DDNS

Jason Brandt jbrandt at fsmail.bradley.edu
Tue Jul 23 16:47:49 UTC 2013

I am running into some DDNS issues, where clients have the same hostname
(ie iPhone).  I'm trying to come up with a way to handle renaming duplicate
entries, where a host has already gotten an address with a given hostname.

For instance, client A with hostname iPhone requests an address, and gets
x.y.z.1.  DHCP server then updates DNS records for iPhone.

Client B, also with hostname iPhone requests an address, and gets x.y.z.2.
 DHCP server attempts to update DNS, but gets an error similar to this:
Forward map from iPhone to x.y.z.2 FAILED: Has an address record but no
DHCID, not mine.

What is the best way to handle this, to give some default name for Client
B?  I'm fine with using something like ip-x-y-z-2.  or ideally it would be

Can I use a pick() statement?  ddns-hostname=pick(...)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jason K. Brandt
Systems Administrator
Bradley University
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