dhcp subnet, different network relay.

Simon Collyer simon at collyer.id.au
Tue Apr 9 01:09:47 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Having a few issues with getting the dhcp server to act as a "proper" relay.

Current setup or process is as follows:

(home user) -> (wholesale) -> **DHCP transaction** --> (our DHCP server)
    ^^---------------------------DHCP REPLY-----------------------^^

So the endpoint customer, is trying to get a DHCP address which is passed
through our wholesaler.  We then want to route a different range to  
the customer than what we have seen the address as:

Currently the config sits at:

subnet 203.***.***.0 netmask {
subnet 58.***.***.0 netmask {
         ## dhcp start  and end IP range ##
         range 14.***.***.2 14.***.***.253;
         option subnet-mask;     ## subnet
         option broadcast-address 14.***.***.255; ## broadcast
         option routers 14.***.***.254; ## router IP


subnet 14.***.***.0 netmask {
         ## dhcp start  and end IP range ##
         option subnet-mask;     ## subnet
         option broadcast-address; ## broadcast
         option routers; ## router IP

Obviously this does not work and we are seeing the dhcp request being proxied
through to us from a different subnet than the one we want to lease out.

DHCPDISCOVER from a4:b1:e9:6c:10:34 via 58.***.***.194: network  
58.***.***.0/24: no free leases

I've change the configuration around and removed the 58.*** range, but  
get the following:

DHCPDISCOVER from a4:b1:e9:6c:10:34 via 58.***.***.194: unknown  
network segment

What do I need to change or do to allow any request coming through to  
hand out what range I specify?

Any thoughts, help would be appreciated.

Have been through google, but their is nothing that matches * similar*  
to what I need to do.  Perhaps I may not have had enough coffee yet as  
well :-)


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