Vendor option being deleted

Scott Wedekind swedekind at
Tue Oct 16 16:15:33 UTC 2012

Great question.  Using the same theory I was able to reproduce the problem on each corresponding vendor code in that list.  Other vendor codes (6) in the same space don't trigger the message.

WARNING: server ignoring option OptionCode58 in configuration file.
WARNING: server ignoring option OptionCode59 in configuration file.
WARNING: server ignoring option OptionCode51 in configuration file.

option space MyVendorName;
option MyVendorName.WorkingVendorOption code 6 = unsigned integer 16;
option MyVendorName.OptionCode51 code 51 = unsigned integer 16;
option MyVendorName.OptionCode58 code 58 = unsigned integer 16;
option MyVendorName.OptionCode59 code 59 = unsigned integer 16;
subnet netmask
    option subnet-mask;
    option broadcast-address;
    option routers;
    option MyVendorName.WorkingVendorOption 123;
    option MyVendorName.OptionCode58 123;
    option MyVendorName.OptionCode59 1111;
    option MyVendorName.OptionCode51 222;



Does changing "58" to something else, say "1" make the error go away
(other than now sending the wrong code)?  If so that would be a pretty
good clue that you are on the right track.


> Can anyone verify this is a bug?
> During a recent migration from a much older DHCPD server to one based upon =
> DHCP-4.1-ESV-R6, it was noticed that a vendor option wasn't functioning, an=
> d the log file reported that the option was being ignored during the dhcpd =
> service startup.  I don't own the server, so I can't easily provide the ent=
> ire log file or conf file.  Removing the


Scott Wedekind

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