Requests to support only DHCPv6 identity

Ted Lemon Ted.Lemon at
Thu Mar 29 06:09:22 UTC 2012

> When equipment has multiple NICs, this would only cause an issue,
> as I see it, if both NICs are in the same network.  If, as would I believe
> be the more normal case, they are indifferent networks, then I believe
> this is fine as an address out of the appropriate scope would be allocated for each.

DUID+IAID uniquely identifies the interface; DUID uniquely identifies the host.

> What happens with the DDNS is something I haven’t tested.  I believe the reverse
> lookup, the PTR would be added correctly but I suspect that any existing AAAA
> would probably be deleted and replaced with the 2nd one.

This is the precise problem DUID is intended to address.   Since every interface has a different identifier, but the DUID is always part of that identifier, we can tell that two requests from two separate interfaces are from the same client, and update the DNS accordingly.

> As already stated in an earlier email, I am not sure that DHCPv6 has been particularly
> well thought through.  I would still *REALLY* like to hear from anyone who has
> what they consider a good working deployment.

So come to the working group meetings and participate, instead of taking potshots from the 50 yard line.

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