option log-facility not working inside chroot?

Daniel Feuchtinger Daniel.Feuchtinger at lrz.de
Thu Jun 28 13:30:25 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I try to set up individual log files for some dhcpd processes.
That's my syslog-ng filter for testing:
filter f_dhcpd-q1   { facility(daemon) and level(emerg..debug); };

Everything is working:
- if I run dhcpd _not_ in a chroot with the option "log-facility daemon" and
- if I run dhcpd in a chroot with no option "log-facility".

But if I run dhcpd in a chroot with the option "log-facility daemon",
logging is limited (start and stop message only)

Isn't daemon the default log facility? It must be, because
the syslog filter works without the log-facility option.
Why changes something, if I set it, and why only in a chroot?

Thanks for your help,

Daniel Feuchtinger
Boltzmannstraße 1
D-85748 Garching b. München

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