isc-dhcpd - not logging client transactions

Ewald Jenisch a at
Fri Jun 8 12:14:38 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 11:49:38PM +1000, Glenn Satchell wrote:
> Not sure of the exact timing the chroot() call uses, but typically config
> files, logging device (/dev/log), etc, are opened before the chroot()
> call.
> Otherwise check if there is a dev/log socket inside the jail directory
> structure. If not you'll need to create it using mknod.


In the meantime I did a couple of tests - here's what I found out:

First I changed syslogd to listen to an additional socket in
/var/db/dhcpd/var/log. Upon (re)start of syslogd this socket is
created automatically. When I do a "ps" I also see that syslogd is
listening to this socket.

In my dhcpd.conf I've got log-facility local7 and in my
/etc/syslog.conf I've got 

local7.* /var/log/dhcpd.log

As far as I understand syslogd should pick up logs that dhcpd
writes to /var/db/dhcpd/var/log

So after restarting syslogd and dhcpd I expected to see the
transactions being written to /var/log/dhcpd.log - however this
obviously doesn't work and I still wonder as to why...

One thing remains though: How does dhcpd know where in its chrooted
filesystem it should find the corresponding logging socket? Maybe the
problem is that (chrooted) dhcpd can't find that particular socket
where the non-chrooted syslogd is listening to (?)


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