DHCPv6 not updating DDNS

Glenn Satchell glenn.satchell at uniq.com.au
Mon Jun 4 11:48:13 UTC 2012

On 06/04/12 21:17, Scott F. Comstock wrote:
> On 6/4/12 1:17 AM, Glenn Satchell wrote:
>> I don't see a ddns-update-style statement anywhere. The default value is
>> "none", which means - you guessed it - no ddns updates :)
> Added it to dhcpd.6.ddns.conf, still no go.  BIND debug logs don't show
> any sign of updates.
> -Scott

Can you use tcpdump to capture traffic between the dhcp and dns servers 
to see if there are any requests being sent over?

Next step would be strace or enable debugging on the dhcp executable to 
see if it is even trying to do a ddns update.

I guess you've looked at the dhcpd.conf man page, esp the section "THE 
INTERIM DNS UPDATE SCHEME" which explains how it works, but also 
conditions under which it won't do a dns update.

I remember there being some issues adding AAAA records when there was 
already an A record with the same name, or something like that. This was 
mentioned a while back in this list.


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