Mixing fixed-address host declations in dhcpd.conf with dynamic entries created via omapi

Kristian Pedersen kristian.pedersen at vejen-net.dk
Tue Jul 17 08:49:23 UTC 2012


We are implementing a new provisioning system that needs to signal our 
dhcp-server to create or remove fixed-address host entries. The 
provisioning system will quite frequently be doing updates, so omapi 
would be nice to avoid having to restart the dhcp service.

On the other hand we use more than one dhcp server for redundancy and to 
avoid these servers getting "out of sync" due to updates while one or 
more servers are down, I would like to generate a completely updated 
dhcpd.conf with all the static host entries. I could generate the config 
as part of the dhcp startup script so im sure dhcpd.conf is always 
accurate at service start.

So the question goes, how does the dhcp server handle overlaps in 
dhcpd.conf vs. dynamic entries in dhcpd.leases? When the server starts 
up and checks the dhcpd.leases, will any config in dhcpd.conf override 
the ones from the lease-file? Do you see any problems in this 
implementation or have suggestions for other ways to implement this?


Kristian Pedersen

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